This would be a great gift to foster interests in mechanical mechanisms.
The gift-ee will be taken through the process of putting together carefully designed mechanisms, and seeing an awesome mechanism emerge on the other end.
The Strandbeest is made up of intricate mechanisms, allowing to move like a living organism. Designed by Dutch designer Theo Jansen, the original Strandbeests (Strand=sand; Beest=beast in Dutch) were the size of cars. They were many iterations of the Strandbeest, some of them even had capability to sense that were were walking into the water and be able to walk backwards to avoid it! Look them up. But only when you have time to spare though, it's quite the rabbit hole.
Ships New Zealand wide. Or if you prefer, you can pick it up (in East Tamaki, Auckland area) after purchasing it here.
Due to small loose parts, this is only suitable for kids 5 years and above, and sensible adults.
No gluing required.
Number of parts: 90
Assembled size: 20cm x 17cm x 13cm
Material - Plastic
Made in China.